Worship In Person or Online

Please join us on Sunday morning at 10:30 AM for our regular weekly Service, offered both in person and on Zoom. For those attending in person, masks are optional and provided if needed. The link to the online service is posted to our mailing list each Sunday. If you are not on our mailing list, please email uugettysburg@gmail.com to receive the Zoom link for our virtual service.

Services are scheduled quarterly. Here is what is coming up for the remainder of 2024 as well as January, February, and March 2025:

December 22: Lay Led Unwrapping the Holidays

December 29: Fifth Sunday Fellowship From Darkness to Light: The Spiral Path of Awakening

January 5: Reverend Cindy Terlazzo Burning Bowl

January 12: Reverend Michael Cooper-White Sanctuary, Historically and Today

January 19: Kris Eyssell In Memoriam

January 26: Shawn Fink Finding Beauty in Dark Times

February 2: Reverend Liz James UU Hysterical Society

February 9: Reverend Cindy Terlazzo

February 16: Carolyn George Creative Design

February 23: Dr. Reverend Dominique Denman

March 2: Reverend Carla Christopher

March 9: TBD

March 16: Reverend Cindy Terlazzo

March 23: Andrew McKnight

March 30: Fifth Sunday Fellowship