Path to Membership
Few of us are born into the Unitarian Universalist tradition. Most discover it by chance—perhaps through a friend who says, “You sound like a Unitarian,” or by encountering a reference online or in popular media.
Those who visit and return are affectionately called “Friends.” We take the time to learn their names, share information about our community, and invite them to join activities like potlucks or book groups. Friends may be added to our email announcement list or directory and are welcome to remain Friends for as long as they wish.
Some Friends choose to deepen their connection with the congregation by taking the New UU class, offered twice a year. This class helps them decide whether to “sign the book” and become Members. Members enjoy additional privileges, such as voting in congregational elections and serving on the Board. We encourage Members to actively support the congregation through service, attendance, and financial contributions.
If you’re curious about increasing your involvement in our community, speak with a Membership Greeter. You are warmly welcome here!