Board and Committees

Board of Directors:

  • President: Kris Eyssell
  • Vice President: Sallie Shannahan
  • Treasurer: Stacy Gernano
  • Secretary: John Baniszewski
  • Member: Cass Darrow
  • Member: Donna Brown
  • Member: J’Amy Graham Thomas


There are Task Forces within some committees.

Worship, Co-chairs Shannon Resh and Dick Shoap (

This committee is responsible for working with the pastor to create meaningful worship services, seeking guest speakers for services when the pastor isn’t in the pulpit, and maintaining the worship traditions that are important to the UUG community.

The choir is part of worship.

Technology, Chair Jason Resh

This sub-group of the Worship Committee is responsible for running the dual-platform services on Sunday mornings and other special services or events. The committee assesses the technology needs for the church and reports recommendations to the Board for continued expansion or updates. Troubleshooting of existing technologies also falls to this committee.

Aesthetics, Chair Sallie Shanahan

The Aesthetics Committee is responsible for coordinating the overall ambiance and beauty of the Little Red Church. The committee oversees seasonal and decor. They ensure that a cozy corner for friends who need less restrictive seating in the sanctuary is maintained and improved.

They arrange for First Friday Events and Artist talks.

If you have something you would like to place in the church please check with Sallie.

Membership, Chair Kris Eyssell

Finance/Stewardship Team: Eleanor Pella, John Baniszewski, Janice Rhoads, and Stacy Germano (Treasurer)

Religious Education

We are forming a team to provide a liberal religious education program for our children. The congregation has resources to hire professional help. There is already an excellent curriculum available for classes. Please email us at if you would like more information.

Faith and Community, Chair Bettye Baker

This committee grew out of our congregational work on the 8th Principle, committing to “Journeying toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”

Currently we are now leaders in a new community organization Pathways to Racial Justice. Here is the mission statement for Pathways to Racial Justice:

Our mission is to raise awareness about racial injustice while focusing on developing solutions and fostering community collaboration for positive change.

More information