by Rev. Cindy Terlazzo

Spring is right around the corner and with this time of year, some of us jump into spring cleaning. Spring cleaning gives us the chance to take a fresh look at our home, spruce it up, discard what is no longer needed and get ready for what is yet to come.
Our spirits can use the same kind of attention. It can be a useful practice to take a fresh look at our inner world just like we might with our homes and everything around us. What habits, thoughts, and behaviors do we want to discard? Where do we want to put our focus so we can keep growing?
It can be easy to keep doing the things that you always do – particularly when things are going pretty well, and often even when they are not.
But what might happen if you pause and spend some time thinking deeply about your life – what is working, what isn’t? What dreams have you put to the side thinking – someday? What new dreams can you envision: things you maybe never considered before?
In the spirit of Spring Cleaning, the leadership team here at UUG thought it would be a good practice to create some opportunities for us to gather and have some community conversations. Let’s have some conversations about what you love about our UU faith and all that is going on here in our little red church.
Let’s talk about it all: what do you love, what is working, what needs to change? What are you excited about? What concerns you? How do you feel about the ways this community is growing? What needs attention? What dreams do you have for the future here at UUG?
To facilitate such conversations 3 cottage meetings / listening circles are planned in April and May. Mark the dates on your calendar and plan to attend at least one. Your voice is needed. Your thoughts and ideas are invaluable. You all are the future we are waiting for.
- Sunday, April 21, directly after service
- Wednesday, May 8, 6:30 – by Zoom
- Monday, May 13, 6:30 in person @ church